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An ethnographer and a writer, I connect people and ideas through language. I love talking to people, synthesizing information, and connecting a moment (conversation, insight, visual, trend) to a broader context. I am passionate about being in the field, learning something new, turning conversations into prose, describing images, and editing. I have worked with curators, artists, students, anthropologists, activists, and tech executives all over the world. I will talk to pretty much anyone; I want to know their story. My research takes place in the People’s Republic of China and the United States, in artist studios and galleries, homes, classrooms, rural construction sites, film studios. I have published my ethnographic writing, art writing, and journalism for a range of audiences because I aim to make knowledge accessible through clear, transportive, and inspiring prose. After completing my Ph.D. in sociocultural anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, I am interested in applying my research, writing and facilitation skills to organizations dedicated to education, creative work, mental health, social justice and cross-cultural connection. I live in Oakland with my partner and puppy.